6 February 2024
New projects

New football projects

Ronald visited several new projects. Our football project in Semarang serves as an example for Indonesia. In the city of Cirebon (W-Java), a new project has been started: Cirebon United, see top photo. Ronald visited one of our trained trainers in the Moluccas, who has started a project there. Clinics were also provided here as well as in Semarang and O-Java. In total, more than 100 trainers have been trained.

Together with Jan Melchers, Ronald visited the project in Cirebon, which consists of: an artificial grass field (max. 6:6), a school building and sleeping places for a hundred players aged 12 and over and thirty players aged 16+. 23 trainers were trained during a 2-day training course. 100 players registered for the first selection for junior high. It started with sixty players and eight trainers. The o20 team plays in the official competition and has two A-license trainers. The local stadium is rented for training and matches. Everything is offered for free and sponsors have been found for this. A football dream has become reality for the players. A college was visited in C-Java and is an open door to dozens more branches. Managers would like to use our knowledge and fifty students followed our theory and participated in our football practice.


Last week was very special. Ronald visited our new project in the Moluccas and was reminded again how grateful the people are. No artificial grass fields, canteen or changing rooms. Children enjoy participating barefoot, even during tropical rain showers. To show their gratitude, the Dutch trainer was treated to the special fruits of this island. Five trainers were helped and dozens participated in training at a football club and at a secondary school. We believe in a catalytic effect of this visit.